California COVID Justice: Recovery, Response & Repair is a coordinated public health response to COVID-19 and the deep-rooted inequities it has laid bare. Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, and historically underinvested communities have suffered adverse health outcomes due to racism, oppression, and underinvestment. These conditions led the same communities to contract and die from COVID-19 at higher rates while also suffering more significant economic impacts.
California COVID Justice works to dismantle the systems and structures that have put historically underinvested communities and people of color at risk. By advocating for needed policies, programs, and resources, we help communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, respond to health and economic disparities and repair the damage caused by systemic racism and oppression.
The Equity Advisory Group’s primary task is to maintain an equity focus by ensuring those most affected by COVID-19 receive the resources and attention needed to address the pandemic and its consequences. Additionally, the group provides advice, guidance, and support on the development and delivery of the campaign and partners with Public Health Advocates to advocate for effective policy solutions and build statewide support. The campaign’s current policy priorities include:
- Address racial disparities by creating a racial equity framework for state and local government funding allocations.
- Strengthen public health infrastructure by increasing funding and resources for public health departments and BIPOC-led community-based organizations.
- Increase the supply of adequate, affordable housing with support services and expand rent relief programs to solve California’s growing homelessness crisis.
- Provide direct economic support to individuals and families in need through approaches such as guaranteed income and reparations.
- Use COVID relief funds through the American Rescue Plan Act to support the most critical needs of underinvested communities and build an equitable recovery strategy.
Public Health Advocates invites you to join the California COVID Justice 12-member Equity Advisory Group. The group will include state and local experts in public health, policy, and racial and health equity. Members will have the opportunity to renew their commitment annually and will receive a stipend in the amount of $9,600.00.
Please complete the application below by 5:00 pm on February 25th, 2022, to express your interest in joining this dynamic group.
For questions about the California COVID Justice Campaign Equity Advisory Group application please contact the Policy Director, April Jean at AJ@PHAdvocates.org