Menu Labeling
Requiring Chain Restaurants to Post Calorie Counts on Menus
Promoting the Consumer’s Right to Know
Public opinion polls showed that Californians wanted calories printed on menus, but restaurants were dead set against it. Showing the need and desire for nutritional information, we led the campaign that made California the first state in the nation to require it. Congress then built on our success, mandating menu labeling across the country.

Data and Research
We developed a new index describing the presence of different types of retail food outlets, called the Retail Food Environment Index (RFEI). We then conducted a study showing that California cities have 4 times more unhealthy food outlets than healthy ones and that the situation is worst in low-income communities and communities of color. At the same time, a public opinion poll we commissioned showed that 84% of voters wanted calorie counts to be posted on menus and menu boards.
RFEI is calculated by dividing the number of fast food restaurant and convenience stores by the number of supermarkets, produce stores, and farmers markets.
Media Advocacy
Our Retail Food Environment study got front page coverage in almost every newspaper in the state, with stories describing cities inundated with fast food. We developed a Fast Food Quiz that showed people don't know which menu options have the most calories. And we created a YouTube video that poked fun at restaurant nutrition brochures.
Community Mobilization
We helped cities throughout California either enact or propose enacting local menu labeling laws. Media coverage about the issue soared, with local progress building statewide momentum.

Partnership Building
We established a broad coalition of more than 100 organizations representing health care providers, children's advocates, and business leaders, all of whom supported enactment of statewide menu labeling.
Policymaker Education
We sent our Fast Food Quiz to legislator and their staff – they failed it like everybody else, giving them first-hand experience of the need for menu labeling. Our fact sheets compared our facts about the benefits of menu labeling to the restaurant industry’s myth-filled scare tactics.
Policy Change
Our efforts culminated in the enactment of the nation's first statewide menu labeling law (SB 1420, 2008).

Following California's lead, Congress included national menu labeling as a provision of the 2010 Affordable Care Act.
Media Coverage
Sacramento Bee, 1/19/07
Fat to Go; Sacramento County Among State's Worst in Food Study
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The Mercury News, 9/30/08
Schwarzenegger signs bill requiring restaurants to list nutritional content of menu items
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Public Health Advocates, 2007
Menu Labeling Poll Fact Sheets
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SB 120: Myths vs. Realities Fact Sheet
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Fast Food Nutrition Quiz
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YouTube, 2008-08-06
Brochures ... Fast Food's Answer to Obesity!
Learn More
To explore how we promoted the consumer’s right to know download the full case study.