Virtual ENACT Day

Apr 30, 2020
April 30 - Virtual ENACT Day

Virtual ENACT Day 2020

April 30, 2020 | 10am – 3pm

Dear Community,
As we mentioned last week, ENACT Day is moving online!

We will host a town-hall style webinar bringing advocates, community members, and elected officials together to discuss the health equity impacts of COVID-19 and the pandemic response, as well as ways of bringing relief to California communities. Although we’re disappointed to not be able to meet in person as we typically do, we’re looking forward to connecting virtually, and hope that the shortened, online format will allow for more community members to participate.

Virtual ENACT Day will be held April 30th, and has two parts:

  1. Virtual Town Hall: Health Equity Impacts of COVID-19  |  10am – 11:30am
    Get an update on the federal and state policy response to COVID-19; share your most pressing concerns; and learn how to conduct a legislative visit.
  2. Legislative visits  |  12pm – 3:00pm
    Break into smaller groups by region, prepare your agenda, and then meet a California state representative. Visits will take place between 12pm-3pm, and you’ll have the opportunity to sign up for the slots that best fit your schedule. 

If you’ve already registered for ENACT Day, you’re set for now – keep an eye out for an email to sign up for your legislative visit. If you haven’t yet registered, the registration link is the same:

We hope to see you all on April 30th at 10am!

Take good care,
The ENACT Day Planning Committee

QUESTIONS? Please contact DeAngelo Mack at

Thank you to the ENACT Day 2020 Planning Committee!
• Public Health Advocates • CA4Health • California Food Policy Advocates • Prevention Institute •
• Center for Healthy Communities, California State University, Chico •

#ENACT2020 | #ENACTDay | #JoinTheMovement

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